Vital Nutrients

Chiropractic Patient Request

Simply stated, food is the essence of life. What we put into our bodies has the power to be life sustaining or life-depleting.

The human body is a self-healing and self-regulating machine. It miraculously extracts from food that which it needs and rids itself of the rest. Due to the business side of food and sustainability, many manufacturers have added chemicals, preservatives, additives, dyes, and other ingredients to enhance shelf life and profits. Unfortunately, these ingredients can be life-depleting over time.

For many people, food and diet are very problematic. Instead of being a source of nourishment, food has become an area of conflict and confusion- endless weight loss dramas, eating disorders, cravings, addictions, body image obsessions and never-ending searches for “the best” nutritional system.

It is our intention to support any and all patients with their nutritional needs. We would be honored to provide you with guidance when it comes to nutrition and overall lifestyle.

Medical Grade Supplements

Designs for Health is a professional brand, offered exclusively to health care professionals and their patients through referral. By providing comprehensive support through an extensive line of nutritional products, practitioners are able to maximize the potential for successful clinical health outcomes for their patients. These supplements are carried and approved by Vital Wellness Center.

Essential Oils

The Vital Wellness shop offers natural remedies for health optimization. These include Essential Oil Tinctures that help with restoring health and well-being.

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