
Chiropractic Patient Request

Being diagnosed with neuropathy can be frightening. Due to problems such as loss of sensation and motor control, it’s not surprising that many Vital Wellness Center patients deemed neuropathy a life sentence when they first decided to search for a “neuropathy chiropractor near me.” The following information has been provided by our neuropathy chiropractor, Dr. Foss, as a resource for patients who wish to learn more about this disorder and some of the advantages of receiving chiropractic care for neuropathy.

What Is Neuropathy?

Nerve damage or disease is referred to as neuropathy. The effects of neuropathy can be prevalent throughout the entire body since the nerves serve as the communication network between the brain and the rest of the body.

Sensory and motor impulses are sent from the brain to the body through the nerves, so any problem with the nerves might affect how pain is perceived. Nerve disorders can also impact the body’s ability to move and react to its surrounding environmental factors.

Most people only focus on the physical effects of nerve function. However, the nerves are also responsible for a variety of functions that are not immediately obvious but are nonetheless essential for survival, such as breathing, circulation, and digestion. Chiropractic care for neuropathy not only improves nerve function, it can alleviate symptoms that result from neuropathy as well as improve overall well-being.

Common Causes of Neuropathy

Neuropathy can take place throughout the body because it contains over seven trillion nerves. There are numerous physical causes and sometimes medications can also be responsible for neuropathy. Some of the following are the most frequent reasons behind this condition.

Diabetic Neuropathy

One of the most predominant types of neuropathy is caused by diabetes. More than 20 million Americans currently suffer neuropathy as a result of the rise in type 2 diabetes, which causes diabetic neuropathy in more than 60% of patients.

When high blood sugar causes damage to the nerves, this type of neuropathy can occur. Additional nerve damage can occur due to elevated triglyceride levels, which is also a consequence of diabetes. The entire body can be affected by diabetic neuropathy, and its cause sets it apart from other types of neuropathy.

Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy affects the body’s extremities, occurring in the arms, hands, legs, and feet. Although the most common reason behind this type of neuropathy is diabetes, other medical conditions, such as injuries and infections, can also be the cause.

Pain, numbness, and weakness are all symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. If the feet are affected, walking can become difficult. In addition, patients can develop balance and coordination issues as a result of changes in their movement patterns.

Focal Neuropathy

Focal neuropathy is a form of nerve damage that affects only one nerve. This kind of neuropathy is a result of nerve compression and most frequently affects the head, torso, hand, or leg. Traumas, infections, or repetitive stress injuries that cause increased swelling can result in this form of nerve compression. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a good example of focal neuropathy.

Autonomic Neuropathy

The internal organs, such as the heart and lungs, are controlled by the autonomic nervous system. This type of neuropathy can result in a wide range of symptoms throughout the body. Infections and traumas are two common factors that contribute to this type of neuropathy.

Autonomic neuropathy can be incredibly dangerous. For example, diabetics may develop hypoglycemia unawareness, a condition where there are no symptoms of low blood sugar, so they are unaware they need to address it. This can result in patients suffering from serious complications because they were not alerted to their critically low blood sugar. Furthermore, damage to the heart nerves can cause dizziness, an abnormal pulse, or problems with blood pressure.

Common Symptoms of Neuropathy

The symptoms of neuropathy throughout the body are generally the same as the symptoms of nerve dysfunction, which may include numbness, tingling, pain, burning or loss of sensation, and loss of function. The most frequent symptoms are low blood pressure, a feeling of “pins-and-needles,” and weak muscles. As neuropathy progresses, patients may experience difficulty walking, making an accidental fall more likely to occur.

Stages of Neuropathy

Neuropathy-related nerve damage has a predictable pattern, although the severity of the damage and the location of the affected nerves influence symptoms. The following gives a brief explanation of the four stages of neuropathy, which include numbness, chronic pain, intense pain, and loss of sensation.

Stage 1: Numbness

During the first stage of neuropathy, many patients complain of numbness or a sensation of “pins-and-needles” in the hands and feet, which may also be accompanied by pain. In addition, slight balance and motor reflex abnormalities may occur. Symptoms are usually mild at this stage and don’t interfere with daily activities, so most patients do not seek care.

Stage 2: Chronic Pain

Pain becomes more severe and a constant issue as neuropathy progresses to the second stage. Most Vital Wellness Center patients first visit our chiropractor for neuropathy, Dr. Foss, at this stage. Stage two is a good time to start receiving therapy because it is still possible to minimize, prevent, or even reverse some of the neurological damage brought on by this condition.

Stage 3: Intense Pain

Stage three neuropathy is characterized by constant, agonizing pain which is difficult to bear. Furthermore, it hinders daily activities. Out of desperation to end their pain, many patients consider undergoing risky surgeries without contemplating other alternatives during this stage. For patients considering median nerve decompression surgery due to carpal tunnel syndrome, this is especially true. We urge patients to visit Vital Wellness Center before undergoing surgery that alters the body in such a significant manner. Even if they decide to have surgery, our chiropractor, Dr. Foss, can help improve overall well-being so they can be at optimal health in order to have a swift recovery from surgery.

Stage 4: Loss of Sensation

As patients enter stage four neuropathy, they experience loss of sensation, feeling only numbness in the affected areas. Nerve dysfunction decreases the body’s capability to transport essential nutrients and oxygen because the nerves regulate the veins and arteries that carry blood. This explains why people who have diabetic neuropathy are far more susceptible to painful, slow-healing foot ulcers.

Benefits of Seeing a Chiropractor for Neuropathy

Despite the sometimes grim clinical picture of this condition, our neuropathy chiropractor, Dr. Foss, has helped a large number of patients. The main goal of chiropractic care for neuropathy is to address any issues that can cause nerve dysfunction. 

Comprehensive Assessment

Every patient of Vital Wellness Center receives a thorough examination. The first appointment always includes an in-depth discussion regarding the patient’s current lifestyle habits and wellness goals in addition to a physical exam. We may also refer patients to other medical facilities for x-rays or scans, if necessary. We like to get a good idea of what limitations our patients are facing; therefore, Dr. Foss observes them as they walk, sit, and engage in other activities.

Spinal Manipulation to Promote Nerve Health

The central nervous system (CNS) is the body’s primary means of communication and is made up of the brain and spinal cord. Optimal communication between the brain and the rest of the body depends on proper spinal alignment since this is where the spinal cord is located. 

Even ordinary activity has the ability to shift the spine slightly out of alignment. The scientific term for misalignment of the spine is known as a spinal subluxation. A subluxation can cause the spine to put pressure on or even compress the nerves.

Information cannot easily travel through the nerves when they are compressed. This can result in the transmission of missing, incomplete, or improper information and can also cause pain and problems with mobility, organ function, and other processes in the body.

This type of chiropractic care for neuropathy involves physically shifting the spine into proper alignment. Correcting such spinal subluxations helps to restore nerve function and allows the brain to send and receive information accurately and effectively. The rest of the body can heal as nerve health is restored. Nerves can continue to get healthy once circulation, respiration, and digestion is working properly.

Lifestyle Interventions for Optimal Nerve Function

Vital Wellness Center is pleased with how our interventions help patients. However, when combined with healthy lifestyle choices, these improvements can be taken to the next level. Proper nutrition is not only necessary for nerve health, it is essential for overall well-being and provides the body with the building blocks required for optimal health.

Although it may seem difficult for someone with nerve problems to exercise, it is crucial for developing a healthy body. Before we design an exercise plan for our patients, we carefully analyze their capabilities, such as balance, strength, and flexibility.

Neuropathy Care From an Experienced and Caring Team

Some patients have expressed how isolated they feel while living with neuropathy. However, this condition is more common than people realize, and we want you to know that. We also want you to be aware that help is available to you. Call Vital Wellness Center today if you’d like to address your neuropathy by improving your nerve health. We would be delighted to schedule an appointment for a comprehensive evaluation or to answer any questions you may have.

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