Pediatric Chiropractic

Chiropractic Patient Request

The joy and challenges of raising children come with a plethora of responsibilities, including their health and wellness. Vital Wellness Center believes that chiropractic care plays a significant role in the well-being of children. Pediatric chiropractic care, specially tailored to the unique needs of infants and children, focuses on the spine’s alignment and the overall function of the nervous system. Our pediatric chiropractor, Dr. Foss, has dedicated himself to the care of little ones in Elburn, IL, ensuring that their spines are properly aligned, thus paving the way for a healthier life.

The kind of pediatric chiropractic care we provide is an effective and affordable program that addresses children’s health conditions associated with the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. Gentle, non-invasive and drug-free, chiropractic adjustments address and prevent a wide range of health problems. Recent research by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) found spinal manipulative therapy safe and successful in treating children of all ages. Children need a healthy spine and structural system for a healthy and happy life. Health problems in childhood or even adulthood have been linked to spinal damage at birth. Regular chiropractic care brings out the best in children.

If you found us by searching ‘pediatric chiropractor near me’ online, you know there are lots of other options out there, and we’re glad you chose us. At our office, we are highly trained in chiropractic care and look forward to helping your family improve your overall health and well being.

Pediatric Chiropractic Care and Acute Conditions

Birth trauma, sports-related injuries, or accidental harm can lead to acute conditions in children. At Vital Wellness Center, our pediatric chiropractor provides chiropractic care, addressing these issues and promoting optimal health. Misalignments in the vertebral joints, whether from birth or an accident, can impact muscle tissues and nerves. Through chiropractic adjustment, our chiropractor restores alignment, relieving pressure on the nerves and enhancing motion. Many parents have found success with our chiropractic care in addressing children’s health challenges, including neck pain, earaches, respiratory infections, muscle pain, and injuries from accidents.

Chiropractic Care and Chronic Conditions in Children

According to Chiropractic America, chiropractic care, being a natural and drug-free approach, can often surpass traditional medical treatments in addressing conditions like chronic earache, scoliosis, and neck pain. Many individuals experiencing headaches, sleep disturbances, and neck pain of nonspecific origins find relief through spinal adjustments, which help mend disrupted neural pathways. Furthermore, symptoms of asthma, allergies, and patterns associated with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may also benefit from chiropractic care.

Chiropractic Care and Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Chiropractic care is an essential cornerstone of treatment for any child with a neurodevelopmental disorder. Children with SPD, ADHD, and ASD are said to have a “disconnect” between the brain and the body. A properly functioning nervous system, which includes the sensory, autonomic and motor nerves, is imperative to help overcome the symptoms associated with these disorders. Because all neurology is affected by spinal structure, it is essential that children with signs of neurodevelopmental disorders (ND) be evaluated by a chiropractor for vertebral subluxations (misalignments of the spine) that can cause interference within the brain, sensory and motor systems. In children with ND there is often a history of a traumatic or difficult birth, C-section, or breach birth; all of which can cause injury and subluxations to the spine. Additional causes include falls, car accidents, heavy backpacks, and spinal injuries caused most often by recreational sports.

Chiropractic Care and Prevention of Ailments

Starting chiropractic adjustments early can be a proactive step to prevent or delay ailments. Ensuring proper spinal alignment can ward off degenerative diseases like osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Frequent visits to our office not only support children’s health and wellness but also instill the importance of proactive health care in kids. As they mature, they’re more inclined to actively manage their health and confront potential health problems without fear or denial. If you’ve been searching for a ‘pediatric chiropractor near me’, then your search ends here. At Vital Wellness Center, our chiropractor and dedicated team are passionate about fostering lifelong health habits, marking one of the most significant chiropractic benefits for kids in Elburn.

Common Conditions our Pediatric Chiropractor Treats

  • ADHD
  • Allergies
  • Anxiety
  • Asthma
  • Autism
  • Bed Wetting
  • Body Pain
  • Breast feeding difficulties
  • Bronchitis
  • Cold & Flu
  • Colic
  • Constipation
  • Croup
  • Depression
  • Digestion
  • Ear Infection
  • Headache
  • Healthier Infants
  • Internal Organ Function
  • Insomnia
  • Loss of hearing
  • Neck Pain
  • Nervousness
  • Overall Wellness
  • Poor concentration
  • Posture
  • Scoliosis
  • Sinus
  • Skin Conditions
  • Stomachaches
  • Stress
  • Vision Problems
  • Weakness or fatigue

Academic success and social popularity are essential, but they’re not the top priority for most parents. Every parent, however, wants their children to be happy. At Vital Wellness Center, our  chiropractor knows that happiness begins with good health.

Our team also knows that the first authority on how well a particular healthcare program or therapy isn’t your child’s teacher, a famed medical journal, or even us. It’s you. While your child can tell you how they are feeling, you have the life experience and critical judgment to determine if pediatric chiropractic care improves your child’s health. Even if you have a teenager, they still need your valuable input regarding their healthcare decisions.

Your role in assessing your child’s health care is more than just a lofty sentiment we use to inspire our patients or encourage you to become one. It is based on research. A recent study of parents of children under 12 years of age found that 99.16% of them believed that their pediatric chiropractor provided them with the information they needed to participate in care decisions fully. In addition to equipping them with the tools to be involved in care, 99.6% of parents believed that their child reaped the benefits of chiropractic care.

Benefits for Babies In Utero

During pregnancy, as your baby develops, your uterus enlarges to accommodate the growth. An unbalanced pelvis can cause the ligaments connected to the uterus to become torqued and twisted. This can create an uneven pull on the uterus, which could potentially restrict the baby’s movement and optimal positioning. In extreme cases, the baby does not have the room to move into the head down position and is considered to be breech.

Chiropractic care during pregnancy can help reduce your risk of these issues. As our chiropractor adjusts your spine and gets your pelvis in a balanced state, the ligaments connected to the uterus maintain an equalized, supportive suspension. This allows your baby the space it needs while developing in utero.

Benefits for Infants

Infancy is a magical time, and if you have an infant, we’d like to offer our congratulations. We know you want the best start possible for your child. Colic is a condition of extreme fussiness and crying in infants. While all babies cry, a colicky baby will cry frequently or for long periods even if they’re well-fed, dry, and warm. Since most colic episodes occur in the evenings, colic is a problem for the entire family.

A recent study demonstrated that  chiropractic can help with colic. Researchers divided colicky infants into two groups. The group of babies who saw a pediatric chiropractor cried for half an hour less than those who didn’t receive pediatric chiropractic intervention. If you’re a new parent in Elburn, IL, our chiropractor would be happy to help you and your infant get a bit more rest.

Benefits for Toddlers

Toddlerhood ranges from 12 to 36 months. If you have a toddler, you know that they’re constantly pushing their own boundaries and yours. This is the age of “no” to everyone else and “yes” to everything they want to try for themselves. Crawling, walking, climbing, and running are some of their favorite things.

When a toddler isn’t meeting developmental milestones, of course, it becomes a concern for parents. Milestones with the progressive freedoms and abundant joys they bring your child are a part of toddlerhood. A recent clinical research vignette illustrates this point quite well.

A 15-month old male who couldn’t crawl, stand, or walk unassisted received full spinal chiropractic care for 16 weeks. During his 10 visits, his body developed the ability to support his development. At the end of this four-month timeframe, he could independently crawl and stand. He was also starting to walk alone.

Benefits for Children

Once toddlers begin moving, they can cause misadventures and headaches for everyone, including older school-aged siblings. Whatever the cause of headaches, they lead to increased downtime and decreased productivity for everyone. When they occur in three- to 12-year-old children, they can lead to additional issues as school-age children are developing a sense of industry over inferiority, the foundation of their later work ethic.

Chiropractic can help your child with headaches. A recent research project revealed that spinal adjustment from a chiropractor reduced the number of days children experienced headaches. The most important finding of this study was that the children felt that their headaches had improved. At our chiropractic office, we would welcome the opportunity to help your child feel better every day.

Benefits for Teens

Once they’ve left childhood behind, your teen is vying for their future, not just the car keys. It is also an age when their physical development is skyrocketing. Scoliosis, or an excessively curved spine, is a common problem among preteens and teens in Elburn, IL.

A recent research report of a 15-year-old girl demonstrates the impact  chiropractic care can have on scoliosis. This teen arrived at a chiropractor’s office with a scoliosis curve of 27-degrees. She had 24 in-office treatments and 45 prescribed exercise sessions. At the end of her 15-week treatment course, her angle had reduced to eight degrees. We encourage you to call or email us for consultation with Dr. David Foss today at our chiropractic office.

Techniques Used by Our Pediatric Chiropractor

Vital Wellness Center uses a variety of gentle and effective chiropractic techniques tailored to the specific needs of each child. Understanding that children’s bodies are different from adults’, Dr. Foss applies methods that are suitable for babies and kids alike. This approach often results in relief from discomfort, better posture, and enhanced overall well-being.

Adjustment Frequency for Pediatric Patients

The adjustment frequency varies from child to child, depending on factors such as age, specific health goals, or underlying conditions. Dr. Foss carefully assesses each case to determine the right approach, ensuring that the children under his care receive timely and effective therapy. Regular visits may be suggested initially, with adjustments made to the schedule as the child’s condition improves.

Parent Resources for Chiropractic Care

Being a parent involves continuous learning, and we support you in this journey. Our office provides resources, workshops, and educational materials to help parents understand the benefits of chiropractic care for children. We encourage parents to review our content online, or visit our office to explore how Dr. Foss and our team can make a significant difference in your child’s life.

Vital Wellness Center offers a broad range of chiropractic services to cater to the unique needs of children and families in Elburn. From alleviating back and neck pain to enhancing overall health, the personalized care we provide supports children’s growth and development at every stage. Feel free to contact us to schedule an appointment, read reviews, or browse our website. We’re here to assist you in your child’s journey to health and wellness.

About Elburn, IL

Elburn, Illinois, is a village that beautifully combines historical allure with contemporary appeal. Located in the heart of Kane County, the community prides itself on maintaining a neighborly feel, where local traditions are cherished and celebrated. The area’s local parks and charming downtown streets are just a glimpse of what makes Elburn so special.

The cultural fabric of Elburn is woven with diverse traditions and communal activities. Throughout the year, events such as the renowned Elburn Days festival draw residents and visitors alike for a joyful celebration of local crafts, culinary delights, and entertainment. This festival exemplifies the spirit of camaraderie that defines the village.

Nature lovers will find Elburn an enticing destination, with the Elburn Forest Preserve offering a serene escape for hiking, bird-watching, and exploration. The community’s dedication to preserving its natural beauty and rural landscapes provides a tranquil setting for both residents and visitors. The blend of natural attractions and cultural richness makes Elburn a delightful place to explore.

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