Sleep Disorder

Chiropractic Patient Request

Chiropractic Sleep Relief

There are some good reasons for not getting a good night’s rest, for instance, a newborn baby or an airplane trip to an exotic destination, but pain isn’t among them. Far too many individuals who suffer from pain struggle to get a few hours of sleep at night. Research has shown that inadequate sleep makes pain feel worse because it lowers the body’s pain threshold.

Additional research has shown that chiropractic care can help balance the levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain, promoting relaxation and sleep. Vital Wellness Center is providing the following information to address any concerns people may have while searching the internet for a “chiropractor for sleep issues near me.” It goes into detail about the value of sleep as well as some of the causes of sleeplessness. Additionally, it offers evidence of how chiropractic care can enhance both the quality and quantity of sleep.

Reasons Good Sleep Is Important

Many times, sleep is last on a long list of to-dos, such as work, time with family, exercise, and healthy nutrition. Sleep is not only needed for rest, it is essential for bodily repair and restoration.

Additionally, sleep is crucial for maintaining brain health. Similar to the kidneys, the brain removes waste products, such as proteins associated with Alzheimer’s disease, when we sleep. Although this removal also occurs during wakefulness, it happens twice as quickly when a person is sleeping.

Sleep also provides the brain with the ability to reinforce learning and address problems. The brain not only needs sleep for learning and problem solving, it also needs sleep in order to form memories. Other benefits of proper sleep include strengthened immunity, enhanced athletic performance, and an increase in weight loss.

Health Issues Linked With Poor Sleep

Many problems are related to poor sleep because sleep is vital for overall health. At Vital Wellness Center, we care for patients with diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and depression. These are all major contributors to premature death and functional decline. They can also cause and result in inadequate sleep.


Health forms used to help identify depression all ask about the quality of the patient’s sleep. Sleep deprivation is both a source and symptom of depression. Sleep apnea is a disorder whereby a person periodically stops then resumes breathing throughout the night. Research has shown that addressing sleep apnea can decrease symptoms of depression. As a result, getting adequate sleep can have a positive impact on depression.


Metabolism can be affected by lack of sleep and can cause weight gain. Sleep is very important for brain function, so a lack of sleep can have a negative impact on the hypothalamus, which is the area of the brain that regulates appetite.


Type 2 diabetes is linked to poor quality and quantity of sleep. In addition, research has revealed its effect on hemoglobin A1C. A1C identifies a person’s average blood sugar over the previous three month period prior to the test. It is a very reliable test that can predict whether or not a person is at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Hormonal changes brought on by inadequate sleep affect the body’s ability to metabolize glucose.

Cardiovascular Disease

People who receive insufficient sleep are more likely to experience heart disease, irregular heartbeats, high blood pressure, and stroke than those who receive a sufficient amount of sleep. In addition to depression, sleep apnea is also connected to atherosclerosis, which is a heart condition distinguished by the plaque build-up inside the arteries.

Common Causes of Poor Sleep

People have difficulties sleeping for a variety of reasons. Although concerns about money or the future might keep people up at night, there are also physical reasons why sleep problems occur. Sleep deprivation can be brought on by disturbances in the cardiovascular, metabolic, nervous, or immune systems. The same is true for a variety of chronic illnesses and other health problems, such as diabetes, mental health disorders, hypertension, and drug or alcohol abuse.

Sleep issues are situational for some of our patients. This category includes people who work nights, long-haul truck drivers, and parents of newborn babies. Others, such as teenagers and doctors, are statistically more inclined to forego sleep.

Sleep can also be substantially impacted as a result of pregnancy, premenstrual syndrome, and menopause due to the hormonal changes that occur under these circumstances. Some Vital Wellness Center patients tell us that hot flashes keep them up during the night. Furthermore, hormone changes related to pregnancy can cause a multitude of uncomfortable issues that make it difficult to sleep.

Pain is the most frequent cause seen by our chiropractor for sleep disorders, Dr. Foss. Pain can significantly affect one’s ability to sleep whether it is caused by chronic pain from a condition such as arthritis or an acute condition such as a back strain from overuse.

How Chiropractic Works to Improve Sleep

Chiropractic for sleep disorders can relieve symptoms by resolving the issue at its source. Painful migraine headaches commonly affect only one side of the head and can persist for days. They are also worsened by sleep deprivation. Disruptive side effects of migraines, such as nausea and altered vision, can also make it difficult to get sleep. Fortunately, chiropractic adjustments can help. It has been proven by research that patients with migraines had less frequent and severe headaches after an adjustment as well as more nights free of pain, making restful sleep possible.

Setting up for Successful Slumber

When Dr. Foss performs chiropractic adjustments at Vital Wellness Center, he carefully uses his hands to bring the spine into proper alignment. When the spine is in proper alignment, there are no misaligned areas, or subluxations, that can cause compression of the nerves. Maximizing nerve function can aid in digestion, circulation, and respiration since nerves are located throughout the body. Restful sleep, healthy function, and easy mobility are restored when the brain and nerves can freely control the body.

Dr. Foss, our chiropractor for sleep disorders, goes beyond in-office interventions. He is dedicated to assisting patients in making lifestyle changes that will improve their overall health, including their ability to sleep well. Vital Wellness Center also provides them with information regarding mattresses, pillows, sleep positions, and an evening routine that can help them get a better night’s rest. 

Mattresses for Optimal Spinal Support

We understand that a mattress is a significant investment; however, when we inform our patients that they spend 20-30% of their lives sleeping, they realize they must carefully consider their choice of mattress. Although a soft, luxurious mattress may seem like the right choice because they easily conform to the body, they are a bad choice for sleep. A firm mattress provides proper support for the spine and can be covered with a plush bedspread or comforter to add the softness that is desired.

Neck-Supportive Pillows

Despite what is shown in magazines or advertisements, a heap of luxurious pillows is not good for proper alignment of the head and cervical spine. Firm pillows are necessary for the head and neck to be properly aligned.

Sleep Positions to Minimize Strain

Although the right pillows and mattresses are necessary for good sleep, they are just a piece of the puzzle. Getting into bed and falling asleep on the stomach forces the spine into improper alignment. It is best to sleep on the back or side with strategically positioned pillows and knee cushions that will help maintain the natural curve of the spine.

Sleep Promoting Evening Routines

Optimizing sleep is critical for overall well-being. Muscles are able to relax, tissues can rebuild, and the brain is able to learn, build memories, and remove waste during sleep. Preparation for sleep is important. A peaceful, nighttime routine can help the body and mind transition smoothly into restorative sleep. We instruct patients on how to prepare for restful sleep using a variety of techniques, including thoughtful meditation, comforting snacks, and gentle stretching exercises.

Sweet Release, Sleep Relief

You’ve undoubtedly tried a few home remedies with hardly any results if you suffer from insomnia, sleep apnea, or disrupted sleep. Dr. Foss, our chiropractor for sleep issues, is committed to assisting you in achieving optimal health, which starts with restful sleep. Call Vital Wellness Center to arrange a time to come in for a chiropractic sleep relief appointment today.

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