A New Year’s Resolution You Can Keep

The celebration of the New Year offers a chance to wipe the slate clean and start fresh with a set of healthier habits. Sadly, as January draws to a close, the novelty has worn off and one third of Americans have ditched their resolutions. But don’t worry, we are still chipping away at ours! So, what is our resolution this year?

We will be publishing a post each month chalked full of exclusive, Dr. Dave approved insights, tips and tools. We are excited to share our gifts of knowledge by providing you with actionable steps to achieve optimal health-delivered right to your laptop or smart phone!

We would love your feedback. Please leave a comment below if you have a question or if there is a particular topic you would like to see featured in a future post.

It is January after all, and we know many of you have ranked weight loss among your chief priorities for the year. (Even if your initial enthusiasm on the matter has waned a bit…) Earlier this month we held No Yo-Yo, a free workshop designed to put an end to the vicious cycle of yo-yo dieting. We want to help kick this crazy dieting epidemic to the curb, for good. Instead of being a source of nourishment, food has become a source of conflict and confusion.

As a practice member, you have come to know by now that our bodies are not just a mess of independent systems all jumbled together. They are an amazing network of intricate parts with specific functions working together as a whole. And, what we put into our bodies has the power to be life sustaining or life-depleting, because the human body is a self-healing and self-regulating machine.

If you were unable to attend the workshop and are suffering from a severe case of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) we would be honored to provide you with guidance when it comes to nutrition. Contact us to schedule a Nutritional Consultation where we will provide you with personalized recommendations and guidance.

Contact us today online or by phone at 630.365.9887 to schedule a time to get started!